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Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine is the flagship publication of Grain Farmers of Ontario and a source of information for our province’s grain farmers. 

Future of Grain


BASF introduces two new herbicides
Two new herbicides, one for early-season weed control in corn and another for burndown in soybeans is being offered by BASF for the 2010 growing season.


Integrity offers control of grass and broadleaf weeds in corn and offers growers application flexibility serving as either a pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergence herbicide, claims the company. It is powered by two modes of action including Kixor, a new class of pyrimidinedione chemistry. According to BASF Integrity controls large broadleaf weeds and annual grasses including barnyard grass, common ragweed, crabgrass (smooth and large), Eastern black nightshade, fall panicum, foxtail (green, yellow, giant), lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, old witchgrass, velvetleaf, wild buckwheat, wild mustard and yellow nutsedge. It also controls weeds tolerant to glyphosate, triazine and Group Two chemistry.

Eragon, a burdown herbicide available to soybean growers in 2010 can be tank mixed with glyphosate to offer weed control. The mode of action in Eragon is also derived from Kixor and it complements the effect of glyphosate by mobilizing throughout the weed, claims BASF. The herbicide is effective on a large variety of weeds up to the eight-leaf stage, including Canadian fleabane, common ragweed, lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, stinkweed, velvetleaf, wild buckwheat and wild mustard. •

Syngenta teams up with Innovotech
Research trials on oxysilver nitrate, a plant bacterial blight research product, will continue as Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. teams up with Innovotech, a Canadian biotechnology product development company.

Bacteria, like fungi, exist in the soil as part of a dynamic agricultural system. Dry beans as well as other crops, can be greatly affected by bacterial diseases. Bacterial blight is a serious problem for many crops with very few acceptable control products available to Canadian producers.

Syngenta and Innovotech have entered into a mutually beneficial agreement to conduct research trials of oxysilver nitrate in a seed treatment application for control of bacterial blight. 


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