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Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine is the flagship publication of Grain Farmers of Ontario and a source of information for our province’s grain farmers. 

In the news


2012 Faces of Farming Calendar now available!
First she was got a cover shot on this magazine and now she’s Miss. October in the Faces of Farming Calendar. Erin Leduc represented grain farmers in Ontario in the Farm Care Foundation’s annual Faces of Farming calendar.


The calendar tells the stories of 13 Ontario farmers and farm families and is marketed to non-farmers. Complimentary copies of the calendar will be sent as Christmas presents from Ontario’s farmers to politicians, grocery stores, butcher shops and media. The calendar is also available at TSC stores or by ordering online at


Grain Farmers of Ontario sponsored October and was well represented by Erin Leduc.
Farmers Feed Cities also sponsored a month in the calendar and showed off Andrew Campbell as Mr. November. •

Conference Board report shows benefits of ethanol
A study on the economic impact of the ethanol industry in Canada and its environmental and health effects from the Conference Board of Canada mirrors Grain Farmers of Ontario’s recent findings: the ethanol industry benefits our economy and our environment.

According to the Conference Board’s study, ethanol production in Canada has reached almost two billion litres per year and it can contribute to reducing Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A 10 percent ethanol blend in our fuel reduces GHG emissions by four to six percent compared to gasoline.

The Conference Board also looked at the economic impact of the ethanol industry and found that it contributes as much as $1.2 billion annually to the Canadian economy and accounts for more than 14,000 person-years of employment during construction and over 1,000 permanent jobs once plants are in operation.

“These findings substantiate our previous findings through our own independent research,” says Barry Senft, CEO of Grain Farmers of Ontario. “It’s very clear that the ethanol and biofuels industry is important to Canadian farmers and non-farmers alike on a number of levels including benefits to the environment and the economy.”

Canadian Soy Food Marketing Council founded
Led by Guelph-based Soy 20/20, the newly established Canadian Soy Food Marketing Council will focus on the development and marketing of Canadian soy food products.

Members of the council include seed researchers and developers, seed companies, farmers, grain handlers, food and ingredient processors and soy food manufacturers. Grain Farmers of Ontario is a member of the council which is designed to help position the Canadian soybean industry as a global leader in soy food innovation.

“The soy food category is underdeveloped in Canada and there are many opportunities to grow the soy industry in this country,” said Jeff Schmalz, President of Soy 20/20 in a release. “The Council is a unique partnership between members from across the entire soy value chain, working collectively to move the industry forward.”


In this issue: