Ontario Grain Farmer August 2022

MAKING A DIFFERENCE "David was a valued member of the OCCC over the last 10 years. His contribution to the Ontario cereal industry and the committee by keeping minutes, revising guidelines, and many other committee tasks of generally keeping us all on the straight and narrow is very much appreciated," says Ellen Sparry, general manager of C&M Seeds and OCCC winter wheat registration coordinator. "We will miss having David at the OCCC meeting table, but wish him all the best." In addition to supporting the crop committees, Morris harnessed his interest in extension and knowledge transfer by collecting, writing, and disseminating the latest crop production information for growers. He embraced the early days of the internet in the 1990s by combing the web for the latest information to share with Ontario corn growers via a website hosted by the Ontario Corn Producers' Association. Morris explains that, at the time when the internet was still new and access to information wasn't as easy as it is today, growers appreciated the in-depth analysis and general advisory of the information that was provided. Topics included soil conservation and tillage, seed genetics, and improving crop protection application safety. Morris contributed to the Ontario Corn Producer magazine and co-authored several OMAF resources based on the information collected from the OCC, other provincial research committees, and personal experience. "I think one of the greatest highlights of my career was being involved in creating resources and seeing the impact they have had on crop production practices," says Morris. "For example, the various soil conservation and land stewardship programs that I was involved in, along with many other OMAF staff, helped shift grower acceptance and adoption of practices like conservation tillage and no-till planting." While the roles of the OCC and OCCC evolved during Morris' involvement, one thing remained the same – providing reliable, independent data about the performance of cereal and corn varieties and hybrids to help growers make the most informed decision for their farms. "These groups continue to make worldwide contributions every year with their field trials and published results," explains Morris, noting the results of more than 200 corn hybrids can now be found in today's Hybrid Corn Performance Trials Report. The field trial results also help ensure new varieties, especially cereal varieties, have a market based on their performance. "The OCC has the reputation of conducting some of the best corn performance trials in North America." Morris says, "the most enjoyable part of my role was working directly with growers, members of the committee and travelling the province every fall to tour the performance trials." He enjoyed making long-term industry connections and supporting board members to advance the cereal and corn industries year after year. "David had a great blend of wanting to get things done right and was more than willing to work with people's abilities and constraints," says Stewart. Matthew Czerwinski, Grain Farmers of Ontario research lead and current chair of the OCCC agrees. "David makes people on the board look good." Morris has dedicated his career to Ontario's field crop industry. He's proud to have had an instrumental role in the ongoing evolution of field trials, information extension and progressive farming practices. Thank you for your service to Ontario grain farmers, David. l ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER 19 AUGUST 2022 “One of the greatest highlights of my career was being involved in creating resources and seeing the impact they have had on crop production practices," says Morris. Bringing crops to Eastern Canada’s largest outdoor farm show gives you the opportunity to view a variety of crop plots to help inform your input decisions for the next growing season. September 13, 14 & 15, 2022 outdoorfarmshow.com COFS2022_promo1_v5_crops_3.467x4.875