Ontario Grain Farmer September 2022

stabilizers or in-field biological inoculants for the first time, leaving a cover crop over winter where it has always been terminated in the fall, or setting up permanent perimeter and cross-fencing to establish new rotational grazing systems. The first intake of the program opened in August 2022. Additional intakes are expected to be scheduled throughout the program, which runs until March 2024, and will be available at www.ontariosoilcrop.org. The website also includes full OFCAF application details and resources for applying. NEW PROGRAM DESIGN "We're really excited about this new program and helping farmers meet the specific goals of our funding partners," says Caswell. "OFCAF also gave us an opportunity to take a new approach to delivering cost-share funds to Ontario farmers." Before OSCIA rolled out OFCAF, they consulted farmers, certified crop advisors, commodity groups, OSCIA field staff, and others to determine the best approach to deliver the program. Conducting focus groups, OSCIA sought to identify challenges associated with cost-share programs and how to meet the needs of farmers and the funding partners. The result was a new program approach that focuses on helping farmers capitalize on existing practices and opportunities, like expanding BMPs across new acres and participating in industry knowledge transfer events to learn more about the practices they are implementing from industry experts and fellow farmers. "We really want to help ensure success, after all, farmers are making their own investments to try new on-farm practices," says Caswell, explaining that while other funding programs often require farmers to complete an education component to be eligible to apply, OFCAF has built this requirement into later phases of the project, after application approval, to encourage knowledge transfer and experience sharing. OSCIA will be developing an approved list of industry events that focus on OFCAF objectives and may include crop tours, webinars, and twilight events. The option to apply for retroactive costs as far back as February 15, 2022, is also a new feature of the program, something Caswell says supports the fact that farmers may already be implementing some of the eligible BMPs. "We recognize farmers are already doing so many great things to address climate change, so we've created eligibility opportunities for basic practices and for those farmers who are already ahead of the curve," says Caswell. "The program is designed to be simple and straightforward and is targeted to farms of all sizes." The new OFCAF program enables farmers to try new practices, expand on new BMPs, or try different approaches on new acres. "For example, if you're already cover cropping select acres, you can apply to expand that BMP to your entire farm by practicing it on acres you haven't yet. Or, try nitrogen stabilizers for the first time," explains Caswell. The new program's success will be measured by the number of acres impacted by the three categories and objectives — nitrogen management, cover cropping and rotational grazing practices. "This is a short list of BMP categories but holds lots of opportunities, and we hope most farmers will find something that fits for them," says Caswell. l ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER 25 SEPTEMBER 2022 Under OFCAF, farmers can apply for cost-share funds to support best management practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration. Get your kit at grainscanada.gc.ca/hsp There is no fee to participate Know your crop’s quality before you deliver with a grain quality report from the Harvest Sample Program Right grade, right price Harvest Sample Program Questions? Email harvest-recolte@grainscanada.gc.ca or telephone 1-800-853-6705