Ontario Grain Farmer September 2023

participants are still working to figure out what combination of inputs works best for them and their cropping system. A SECOND ANNUAL TOUR PLANNED IN 2024 The Great Lakes YEN Steering Committee was pleased to lead discussions on the continued improvement and success of the YEN program before wrapping up the tour. Overall, participants stressed that educational opportunities, such as the summer networking tour, are one of the primary benefits of participating in the Great Lakes YEN program. The Steering Committee is already excitedly planning the 2024 summer networking tour, which will take place in Ontario. More information on the Great Lakes YEN can be found by visiting www.GreatLakesYEN.com/. Alexandra Dacey is the agronomy project coordinator at Grain Farmers of Ontario. l ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 The soil pit also inspired discussion around the merits of conventional tillage versus no-till and experimentation with fungicide and fertility inputs. of his wheat fields, and participants were fortunate to hear from his agronomist, John Mackson from MAX Agronomy LLC, who discussed some of the soil pit's key findings, predominately that water movement is a critically important component of plant health as roots were evident five to six feet deep as the plants were in search of water after the severe lack of moisture over May and June. The soil pit also inspired discussion around the merits of conventional tillage versus no-till and experimentation with fungicide and fertility inputs, as many