Ontario Grain Farmer September 2023

ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER 15 SEPTEMBER 2023 Taking time to reflect on the previous year’s growing season can be very helpful for crop planning and overall peace of mind. PLANT the WAVE Maizex offers high-performance corn, soybean, and forage seed developed for Canadian farmers by a company owned by Canadian farmers. FIELD by FIELD | maizex.com Ride the wave to higher yields. Maizex_OGF_Plant_3.46X8.865_7_23.indd 1 7/14/23 10:00 AM An example of this type of reflection is thinking about the intense heat and humidity we experienced in July (when this article was written). Was there something that was done to reduce the crop stress or ensure the crop was getting the nutrients it needed? This will be a question to discuss with your local retail agronomist or agronomist to know what will work best for you and your farm. It is important to note if the previous year’s growing conditions may have stressed the crop and possibly had an effect that resulted in lower yield and poor quality. Three — personal and agronomist scouting observations As you scouted your crops throughout the growing season, you may have noticed different weeds, non-beneficial insects, or signs of the crop that looked a bit odd. Your local retail agronomist or agronomist may have also noticed these and recommended a solution. Ask and reflect on what both you and your agronomist observed, what was recommended, what was done, and what was the result. Four — Noting the ‘should have, would have, could have’ thoughts. From pre-plant to the end of harvest, many, ‘Oh, I should have done this instead’ may have been said when dealing with a challenge at the moment. Many of these situations happen; frustration arises, then you simply move on to find the solution or walk away from it. Reflect on these moments you remember or have written down throughout the season. These can be helpful in preparing for pre-planting. CREATE A PLAN Taking time to reflect on the previous year’s growing season can be very helpful for crop planning and overall peace of mind. If you have already endured a certain challenge or success, you may know what happened to achieve that result and have a general idea of what to do and not to do. After you have finished reflecting is a great time to schedule a meeting with your local retail agronomist or agronomist to review your reflection notes. This will give you the time to create realistic agronomic and financial goals. After or during this meeting is a great time to start creating a crop plan. You can discuss what products will work best for you to reach your farm goals and the budget your retail has to work with. Also, if you start to plan early, you may get the financial benefit of the early order and possibly the bulk discount programs available. Kelsey Banks is an agronomist in eastern Ontario. l