Ontario Grain Farmer September 2023

manufacturer’s instructions as reagents and time exposure for the dip strips may vary. On-site operator training optimizes test kits’ accuracy. As the concentration of DON goes up in the samples taken, the variability in the test kit also increases. Testing at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus confirmed the accuracy of testkits and determined that variability in results is within an acceptable range. By following these recommended sampling steps, DON testing can have consistent and repeatable results from the grain that is being represented by the sample. Reductionof sample testing variation improves confidence in the grain sector. Read more at www.gfo.ca/agronomy. The DON testing project was funded in part through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (the Partnership), a federalprovincial-territorial initiative. This project was also funded in part by Grain Farmers of Ontario. The research was carried out by the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus with support from OMAFRA and the Mycotoxin Coalition (Ontario AgriBusiness Association, Grain Farmers of Ontario, University of Guelph, and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs). l ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER 25 SEPTEMBER 2023 Due to the high variability in mycotoxin content between individual grain kernels, it is crucial to take a grain sample of at least two kilograms and grind the entire sample before remixing the meal and taking the final subsample for DON testing. brandt.ca The all-new Brandt XT-Series grain cart utilizes simple innovations to eliminate common delays so that you can Lead the Field. REACH FARTHER, WORK SMARTER. LEAD THE FIELD. Increased Productivity Industry-leading auger reach delivers ultimate visibility while steep tank angles ensure complete tank cleanout. Easier to Operate Keep your harvest moving with optional features including a joystick control kit, auto-lock auger fold and more. Engineered for Durability Robotically-welded frames, modular tanks, protected electrical systems and simple drive systems deliver unrivalled uptime. -FHFOEBSZ $VTUPNFS 4FSWJDF *UhT *O 0VS %/" XXX SPCFSUTGBSN DPN $IFTMFZ .PVOU 'PSFTU -VDLOPX 8BMUPO