Ontario Grain Farmer September 2023

We solicited help from teachers to test the program before launching it across the province, and they LOVED it! We received excellent feedback and were excited to hear them discuss crosscurricular applications. As one teacher said, “it’s a springboard for other topics.” One of the ways we want STEMterprise to engage students in learning about farming is by having the opportunity to talk with farmers. Please consider helping teachers in your area. Visits can be done virtually, so you do not have to leave home. Students are curious and eager to learn about what happens day-to-day ona farm. Ontario teachers need your help! Students benefit from hearing about farming from farmers. Please consider paying a virtual visit to a classroom. If a teacher contacts you, please help. To volunteer, please contact bcurtis@gfo.ca. Ontario Farming STEMterprise launched this past summer to Ontario educators. Teachers and other educators can view the materials online at www.GoodinEveryGrain.ca under Good in Every Classroom or by following the QR code below. For more information, please contact Brianne Curtis at bcurtis@gfo.ca. ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER 31 SEPTEMBER 2023