Ontario Grain Farmer February 2024

23 ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER FEBRUARY 2024 CropBooster® Oligo Prime® and RR SoyBooster® Oligo Prime® in corn, soybean and wheat crops Agro-100 has conducted over 100 trials to confirm the value of its new Oligo Prime® technology. In corn, average yield increases were greater than 9 bu/acre. Talk to your Agro-100 representative or Ag retailer. 1 866 770.8887 • www.agro-100.com download the Agro100 application for free today! Proven Biostimulant Tank Mix Program now activated by OligoPrime® agro_agrofoliaires_thirdH2024_CropBoosterOP_02.indd 1 2023-12-11 14:05 This research project received funding from Grain Farmers of Ontario. Marty Vermey, senior agronomist for Grain Farmers of Ontario, says the project’s final results are much anticipated by the Ontario Soil Management Committee — an organization comprised of government, researchers, and industry representatives that establishes fertility recommendation guidelines in the province. Once updated, the provincial agriculture ministry will update its agronomy guidelines to reflect new recommendations. “Soils change. You need soil samples at least every four years,” Vermey says. While updated data will provide a better idea of what it takes to achieve top yield potential in modern crop varieties, it is possible results will show less fertilizer can be applied — particularly when trying to optimize profits in the face of high fertilizer prices. “We’re really working towards trying to get updates. The management practices and crop yields are way different than when the recommendations first came out decades ago. We’re removing a lot more nutrients. A 300-bushel corn crop is going to take a lot.” Fertilizer Canada has contributed to this research in support of its 4R Nutrient Stewardship strategy, ensuring the right source of nutrients is applied at the right rate, right time and right place.•