25 ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER FEBRUARY 2024 According to Gaudin, the longer you diversify your cropping system, the more you benefit in yield. corn-soybean rotation with reduced tillage increased corn yield by seven per cent and soybean yield by 22 per cent. The researchers have shared their findings with American insurance companies for the last four years. The understanding is that the insurers are using the data to build new models and develop variable rate insurance premiums that will benefit growers with diverse rotations. DROUGHT RESISTANCE Gaudin and a PhD student recently worked on a drought manipulation experiment based in Elora. They used a corn-corn-soy-soy rotation, corn-corn-soy-wheat rotation and corn-corn-oat/red clover-barley/ red clover rotation under conventional tillage and no-till. Irrigated, ambient rainfall, and drought water rates were studied using belowcanopy rainout shelters. A variety of soil and crop developmental and eco-physiological trait measurements showed that diversification minimizes drought-induced yield losses and changes in plant water status. Canopy temperature was a key measure of water stress. “But we found that there is not much difference in soil organic matter between those different types of rotations,” Gaudin says. “That was a surprise because we saw lower compaction in more diverse rotation, especially under no-till, and we saw an increase in field capacity and an increase in available water capacity.” In addition, there were limited to no shifts in plant water uptake depth or rooting patterns with rotation diversity. Even though soil organic matter was not higher in the diversified treatment, the statistical analysis confirmed it is a significant regulator of plant water status. Overall, crop rotation diversification enhances the climate change adaptation potential through soil organic matter despite no significant increase in soil organic matter with diversification. Gaudin presented “The Rotation Advantage” with moderator Peter Johnson in an on-demand Ontario Agricultural Conference session. View this session, plus 65 more, until March 31 at ontarioagconference.ca.• Farm barns to silos, 11,000+ farmers like you have one thing in common. They are understood, valued and insured by The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group. Find a qualified broker in Commonwell Country today: commonwellcountry.ca/farm NOTHING SMELLS AS SWEET ` j v `j jv `v `jv h OMOP=NJP=é~ÖÉ=~Ç=ÅçéóKéÇÑ===N===OMOOJNOJOM===QWNQWOR=mj