Ontario Grain Farmer April/May 2024

13 ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER Moran concedes smaller-seeded beans — whites, blacks and adzukis — are easier to grow in terms of equipment; a combine used with soybeans will do much the same. Cranberry and kidneys are larger-seeded and harvested with a specialized bean combine, and while it’s not to say those are impossible hurdles to overcome, advanced planning is required. “Dealers will have a certain number of acres they’re looking to grow based on demand in the export market, but the world will only APRIL/MAY 2024 None 1 Ontario Grain Farmer -- Helvetica Neue LT Std DG19620 Bayer Laudis_7.125x4.875_Ontario Grain Farmer_024.indd Bayer-024-2024 -- We hate weeds as much as you love your corn. Laudis® herbicide provides outstanding control of tough broadleaf weeds. Serious corn growers demand serious weed control. Laudis herbicide delivers on all fronts. It provides fast-acting broadleaf weed control, including tough to control glyphosateresistant weeds, such as Canada fleabane, giant ragweed and waterhemp. Laudis also offers excellent crop safety on field corn and sweet corn, with favourable rotation intervals for soybeans, potatoes, spring wheat and winter wheat. Ask your retailer about Laudis herbicide. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Bayer, Bayer Cross and Laudis® are registered trademarks of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience Inc. is a member of CropLife Canada. ©2024 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. T:7.125" T:4.875" Edibles aren’t necessarily a soil-building crop, but following them with winter wheat, possibly planted early with a cover crop, will put a lot back into the soil. eat so many beans in a year,” notes Moran, adding edible beans don’t tend to store well. “Generally, though, it sounds like dealers are looking for bean growers, and right now, there’s room for more producers in Ontario.” LONG HISTORY Despite arguments against edible beans as an alternative, Mike Donnelly Vanderloo believes there are plenty of positives. As a grower, he started with white beans in the early 1990s and has added cranberry beans, maintaining distinct advantages to the market – despite contracts or frequent passes in a field. “Edibles aren’t necessarily a soil-building crop, but following them with winter wheat, possibly planted early with a cover crop, will put a lot back into the soil,” says DonnellyVanderloo, who farms near Thamesford with his brother Joe. Together, they grow soybeans, corn, winter wheat — with red clover — after continued on page 14