Ontario Grain Farmer June/July 2024

34 Good in Every Grain www.GoodinEveryGrain.ca STEMterprise PROGRAM UPDATE In August 2023, Good in Every Grain launched its latest education program, Ontario Farming STEMterprise. This unique curriculum-based program helps Ontario students develop science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills as they learn where our food comes from and how it is grown. In the program, students become plant experts first as they learn about the ingredients for a food product they will develop, design, and market. They will apply their STEM skills to engineer innovative farming equipment, design packaging, and ultimately sell their product in their own business. The program is adaptable to the individual classroom, meets objectives across Ontario’s curriculum, and is aligned closely with the grade three curriculum. STEMterprise delivers nine online lessons with subjects on plant development, sustainability, technology in modern agriculture, and how to market a farm product to consumers, as well as an in-classroom seed kit that includes oat, soybean, and wheat seeds. Classes could also sign up for virtual classroom visits with Ontario grain farmers — one-on-one sessions that allow farmers to showcase their fields, equipment, and farm history to students. This school year, this program became one of our most used resources. Educators raved about the uniqueness and inclusivity of the program, which appealed to all students in the classroom. Students enjoyed surveying their classmates, creating their own granola bars, and discovering what it means to be an Ontario grain farmer as they grew their own plants. • 466 classrooms 13,988 students 19 virtual classroom visits with an estimated 500 students participating