Ontario Grain Farmer June/July 2024

9 ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER JUNE /JULY 2024 sorghum, sunflower, phacelia, peas, radish, and turnip. If working with hemp and an extensive list of cover crops weren’t enough in terms of innovating, Reuben began working with a drone in 2023 after watching them for several years as they evolve for farming purposes. He’s seen enough success that he is convinced the technology has a permanent place on their farm. “We’re investing heavily in the logistics to support that equipment and make it even better,” he says, noting he can use it for seeding and fertilizing crops. “It’s our next tractor, but it does add another layer of complexity to a farming operation and certainly has to be taken seriously.” Reuben and Dalton are building a custom trailer to improve the logistics for seeding with the drone, and they’re hoping to put it on the road this summer. “Reuben is the innovator in our team – he can’t help it,” says Keanan. “Sometimes it’s hard to rein him in, but it’s also fun to run with him on some of his ideas and projects because they’re exciting and they keep things interesting.” • REUBEN AND KEANAN STONE AND THEIR FOUR CHILDREN. PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOD IN EVERY GRAIN.