Ontario Grain Farmer September 2024

25 ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER SEPTEMBER 2024 of pesticide treatment. Options may include insecticides applied as a spray, diatomaceous earth, or fumigation. In the case of fumigation, be aware that grain fumigants are very dangerous to work with and must be applied by a licensed applicator. If fumigation is required, there are several factors that can affect the success of the treatment: • The temperature of the grain must be above 5 °C, and it is recommended that it be above 10 °C. • The grain bin should be very well sealed; cracks and open vents allow the fumigant to escape, which results in a less effective or potentially useless treatment. More information on managing stored grain: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness Agronomy Guide for Field Crops, chapter 12. Canadian Grain Commission, Monitoring Grain Temperature and Aerating Grain. • To prevent insect infestations, equipment such as trucks, augers and combines should be cleaned of insects before the harvest begins.