Ontario Grain Farmer February 2025

ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER FROM THE CEO’S DESK 4 From the CEO's desk This year’s March Classic, Leading the Way, will celebrate the success of the organization over the past 15 years. I’m looking forward to connecting with many of you at this event, which is shaping up to be one of the best yet. The agenda and more information are found on page 19. Grain Farmers of Ontario has also recently launched its 2025 Strategic Plan. The plan, last updated in 2021, provides the guideposts and direction for the organization for the next five years and showcases the importance of advocacy, knowledge transfer, market growth, and strong governance as the organization continues to work to bring its mission and vision to life. The plan is the result of thoughtful discussion and reflection by Grain Farmers of Ontario Board members and staff and shows our commitment to advancing the grain and oilseed industry in Ontario. One of the key pillars of the plan is research and knowledge transfer; the annual Research issue of the Ontario Grain Farmer is just one of the ways that we share the results of the long-term investment in our research priorities. Weeds, disease, pests, climate adaptation – these are among the issues that affect you, the farmer-member, and we will continue to lead the way in finding ways to address and mitigate their impact through research. As I write this, Grain Farmers of Ontario is in the middle of its annual January District meetings. This has been a great opportunity to get out to meet farmermembers across the province and share what we are doing on their behalf. At these meetings, delegates and alternates are elected to serve, and this year, directors in odd-numbered districts were elected to serve two-year terms. I’m always appreciative of all the farmer-members who come to the meetings to learn more about what Grain Farmers of Ontario is doing on their behalf and to share their comments, concerns, and advocate for their industry. Your voice is important! The coming year will no doubt present a number of challenges for the grain industry; ongoing geopolitical disruptions, supply chain issues, the Donald Trump presidency, and a federal election are among the issues that are on our radar. As we look to the months ahead, we are ready to tackle these challenges and continue striving for a strong and well-supported grain industry. On a personal note, January 2025 marked 20 years since I first joined the staff of the Ontario Wheat Producers’ Marketing Board – a decision that, ultimately, set the course for my career. It is a privilege to work for farmers and play a part in growing our exciting industry. Grain farming has changed a lot in 20 years – yields have grown tremendously, technology has advanced, and trade has increased. Farmers and industry have invested heavily in farmland improvement, grain handling, processing, and export infrastructure. We will always have challenges ahead of us, but that keeps our work exciting, and I am confident we can handle anything that comes our way. • Crosby Devitt, CEO, Grain Farmers of Ontario It’s a new year, and Grain Farmers of Ontario has lots to celebrate! 2025 marks 15 years since the three legacy associations, the Ontario Wheat Producers’ Marketing Board, Ontario Corn Producers’ Association, and Ontario Soybean Growers, joined forces to elevate the voices of the 28,000 farmer-members who grown barley, corn, oats, soybeans, and wheat in Ontario.