25 ONTARIO GRAIN FARMER FIND THE ANSWER FOR YOUR ACRES. NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT | NUTRIENT PROTECTION | SEED ENHANCEMENT MARCH 2024 they’ve done on behalf of farmer-members — noting that there is still much more to accomplish in the future. “The biggest takeaway is that we can only control the effort; we can’t control the result. So as long as, at the end of the day, you’re comfortable with the amount of effort that you put into these issues, and you think you did everything you could, it makes it a little easier to look back and say we did a good job.” WHAT’S NEXT? Brendan’s Grain Farmers of Ontario story isn’t over; he remains on the Board as director for District 1 (Essex). But he is looking forward to a slightly slower pace and has some farm and personal projects lined up to fill the time. “On the farm, we had a tornado come through last summer … we’re going to build a new farm shop over the spring and summer,” he says. “I’ve got piles of books to read … and I’m going to take some time to plan what the next steps are.” But first up is a vacation with his wife, Mindy, and some family trips to thank them for their ongoing support. “I see myself continuing in some aspect of amplifying the voices of farmers.” he says. • BRENDAN BYRNE WITH MINISTER LISA THOMPSON, ONTARIO MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS.