The soil doctor is in FARMSMART 2019 January 2019 - LEE BRIESE WON’T be wearing a white lab coat when he comes out to your fields. He’ll be carrying a shovel, not a stethoscope, but as far as he’s concerned, his job is as important…
Soil form and function A FARMSMART 2018 PREVIEW January 2018 - DEGRADED SOIL CAN still give you high yields but those yields come at a cost. Those soils are less resilient, less able to handle stress such as drought or heavy rain, and require more inputs.…
Tar spot prevention TIPS FROM GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO’S AGRONOMY TEAM August 2022 - Original article: Tar spot in Ontario MANY ACROSS THE province have heard about tar spot – southwestern Ontario and the Greater Toronto area have seen pressure. The disease was first detected in 2020; however, in…
Charting the path forward FROM THE CEO'S DESK December 2024 - GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO LAST UPDATED ITS STRATEGIC PLAN IN 2020. As I reflect on the past four years, it has been a period of tremendous change and upheaval but also a time of growth…