GrainTALK for November 2022

Grain Farmers of Ontario
Did you see any intriguing new technology at the Canadian Outdoor Farm Show in September?
The Outdoor Farm Show this year was outstanding, with record attendee numbers and one of our busiest years at the Grain Farmers of Ontario booth. While I saw a lot of amazing looking, and larger than ever, machinery and even attended a breakfast highlighting new technology and innovation, my favourite piece of new technology was at the Grain Farmers of Ontario booth.
The prototype grinder, developed to grind corn samples to more accurately test for DON at the elevator, was showcased and our Agronomy team and partners gave demos all three days. The fine grind, consistency, and better sample that this grinder can produce are a direct result of the research projects Grain Farmers of Ontario funded and partnered on after the 2018 DON in corn crisis.
Innovations, like the grinder, that help to solve problems that our farmer-members face is something I love to see! The response from farmer-members and industry alike was really positive, and we look forward to updates from the manufacturers as they enter the next stage of product development. •
After more than two years of connecting virtually, Grain Farmers of Ontario has started participating in in-person trade missions and events. In August, 15 wheat customers from markets across Latin America visited Ontario as part of a Cereals Canada inbound trade mission. Grain Farmers of Ontario’s Market Development team, supported by joint venture partners at the SGS Grains Analytical Testing Lab, provided the group with an overview of this year’s Ontario wheat crop and early quality assessments. The delegation then visited P&H’s export and milling facility in Hamilton, where they learned about our Great Lakes export infrastructure and saw an ocean-bound vessel loaded with soft red winter wheat. They then visited Twenty View Farms, where they learned about Ontario’s diverse crop rotation, sustainable agronomic practices and robust quality management. •
Premises identification is the first step in establishing a traceability system that can lead to business advantages, including improved operational efficiencies and increased market access. With the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR), the government can notify you about incidents that may impact you and your operation quickly, minimizing the effect on your operation.
The PPR is a record of individual parcels of land associated with agri-food activities. Agricorp operates the registry on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).
The integrity of the PPR depends on accurate and current premises information. Registrants are encouraged to confirm or update their premises information annually. Confirming your premises information at least every two years also keeps your premises ID active and eligible for government programs, such as Ontario’s Risk Management Program. To update your information or register a new premises, visit or call Agricorp at 1-888-247-4999. •
Join hundreds of grain farmers, agriculture industry supporters, government representatives, and more in London, Ontario on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 for the annual March Classic. Be sure to visit for more details. •
The Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) is now accepting applications for Class 20. During the 18-month executive program, up to 30 individuals will embark on a personal leadership journey to realize their potential while exploring the agri-food sector from the local to the international level. Each Class is created with attention to the diversity of participants so that peer-to-peer mentorship, interrelationships and a broad network are developed.
Applications are due November 25, 2022. Find out more at https://www.ruralontario •
Grain Farmers of Ontario is beginning to plan for the 2023 January District Grain Committee Meetings. Be sure to check our website,, for updates on the date and location of your district’s meeting. Details will also be published in the GrainTALK Newsletter in upcoming issues of the Ontario Grain Farmer magazine as they are finalized.
The Annual District Meetings are called to elect voting delegates and directors for the coming year. Updates on the organization and grain industry issues are also provided at these meetings. All barley, corn, oat, soybean, and wheat farmers are welcome and encouraged to attend. •
by Philip Shaw
On September 12, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) surprised the grain market by cutting both corn and soybean yields. The USDA pegged U.S. corn production at 13.94 billion bushels which is a cut of 415 million bushels from the last report. This was based on a corn yield which was lower by 2.9 bushels per acre at 172.5 bushels per acre. On the soybean side of the ledger, yield was cut by 1.4 bushels per acre down to 50.5 bushels per acre, giving us a soybean production of 4.38 billion bushels.
The U.S. dollar has been on fire late into September, which generally is negative for grains futures prices. However, it has had the effect of sending the Canadian dollar down to the 72-cent U.S. level helping to sustain Ontario cash grain prices. •