Adding value to soy hulls May 2010 - UTILIZING AN ENZYME IN SOY HULLS MAY PROVIDE A NEW MARKET OR ONTARIO FARMERS soybean hulls are a co-product of crushing or oil extraction. Traditionally, they are used as an excellent source of crude fibre…
To be or not to be a soybean April 2010 - EXPLORING THE POTENTIAL OF AN ONTARIO EDAMAME CROP it’s grown like a soybean crop but harvested like a vegetable crop. Industry experts say a niche market for Ontario-grown edamame could be one with potential, but…
Can soybeans be the solution to potholes? December 2009 - NEW SOY-BASED ASPHALT SEALANT IS IMPROVING NORTH AMERICAN ROADS IMAGINE A WORLD where pavement doesn’t disintegrate and potholes don’t exist. Imagine a product that can reduce the negative environmental impact of asphalt, cut costs for cash-strapped…
Bio-based lubricants November 2009 - BUILDING A MARKET THAT’S GOOD FOR FARMERS, GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AS DEMAND FOR “green” products increases, more and more technologies and opportunities for bio-based products are emerging alongside to meet those needs. Crops like…
Tar spot prevention TIPS FROM GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO’S AGRONOMY TEAM August 2022 - Original article: Tar spot in Ontario MANY ACROSS THE province have heard about tar spot – southwestern Ontario and the Greater Toronto area have seen pressure. The disease was first detected in 2020; however, in…
From the CEO’s desk – February 2025 FROM THE CEO'S DESK February 2025 - It’s a new year, and Grain Farmers of Ontario has lots to celebrate! 2025 marks 15 years since the three legacy associations, the Ontario Wheat Producers’ Marketing Board, Ontario Corn Producers’ Association, and Ontario Soybean…