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Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine is the flagship publication of Grain Farmers of Ontario and a source of information for our province’s grain farmers. 

Future of grain


New insecticide seed treatment receives PMRA registration
Corn growers in Ontario and Quebec have a new tool to use against key insect pests. DuPont Crop Protection announced in June that the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has granted approval for registration of DuPont™ Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment.


Lumivia™ is a new seed treatment product for corn that delivers broad spectrum pest protection and efficacy. It protects corn against early-season, below-ground insect pests such as wireworms and seed corn maggots, as well as foliage feeders including cutworms and armyworms. Lumivia™ is expected to be commercially available for the 2017 growing season.

“In Canada, Lumivia™ is the first insecticide seed treatment technology containing DuPont’s active ingredient DuPont™ Rynaxypyr®, a Group 28 anthranilic diamide insecticide,” says Kristin Hacault, seed treatment sales & marketing leader for DuPont Crop Protection. “It protects corn seedlings right from the start, supporting uniform, healthy stand establishment and early vigor for maximum yield potential.”

DuPont claims Rynaxypyr® has minimal impact on beneficial insects and pollinators when applied according to the label.  •

Who are you following?
Farmers are using Twitter to stay connected and up to date with industry news. Each month, Ontario Grain Farmer magazine will highlight Twitter accounts we think you should consider following or hashtags (#) that will help you join specific conversations.

James Ferrier, an Alma, ON farmer, technical services manager for Nufarm, and certified crop advisor, uses twitter to share what he sees in the fields. He has garnered more than 1,200 followers since joining twitter in 2011.

his is the new twitter account of Renewable Industries Canada (formerly the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association). The organization launched its new brand in June. Read about their focus on all aspects of the bioeconomy on page 32 and follow them on twitter for regular industry updates. •

The Digital Toolbox
The smartphone, tablet and computer are important tools on today’s farms. Each month, Ontario Grain Farmer magazine will highlight an app, online tool, or website that may help you in the field or in the farm office.

Barley and oat quotes at
Every day, hundreds of users check for quotes from local elevators on corn, soy, and wheat — the Daily Commodity Report is one of the most popular pages on the site.

Recently, Grain Farmers of Ontario has also started to provide quotes for barley and oat crops. Barley and oats have been represented by Grain Farmers of Ontario since July 2015, and ever since it has been a priority to include pricing data in our popular Commodity Report.

The site, which provides daily updates on barley and oat pricing at two Ontario elevators, can be found at •


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