Where do my licence fees go?
AT ITS JUNE 12, 2024, MEETING, THE GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPROVED THE LICENCE FEES for grains and oilseeds sold in Ontario in accordance with the Farm Products Marketing Act (Ontario Regulation 485/09). The fees are collected from farmers when grain is sold and submitted to Grain Farmers of Ontario by the licensed dealers which receive grain; the regulation does not apply to grain produced and used by a farmer at their own operation, and it does not apply to grain produced and sold by a farmer directly to another farm operation if they will use the grain on their own operation.
As a Grain Farmers of Ontario farmer-member, you may wonder — how is the licence fee spent?
“The Grain Farmers of Ontario Finance and Audit Committee and the Board of Directors carefully review and approve the association’s annual operating budget each year,” says Jeff Harrison, chair, Grain Farmers of Ontario. “The money that you — the farmer- member — contribute is stewarded in a fiscally responsible and targeted way to advance Grain Farmers of Ontario’s strategic priorities.”
Those priorities are laid out in the organization’s Strategic Plan: Advocacy and Public Trust; Protecting and Growing Markets; Farm Sustainability; Research and Knowledge Transfer; and Governance and Operations. More information about the Strategic Plan and how the organization uses licence fees can be found in the Grain Farmers of Ontario annual report at www. gfo.ca/about.
The Board of Directors also maintains a Reserve Fund to ensure that the organization remains fiscally sound year-over-year.
Licence fees include the Grain Financial Protection Program (GFP) premium (where applicable). Through the GFP program, farmers are financially protected if a licensed dealer does not meet their payment or storage obligations. The premiums are collected by Grain Farmers of Ontario and forwarded to Agricorp. •
As of July 1, 2024, the licence fees are:
Barley** $1.40/mT
Corn* $0.48/mT
Oats** $1.57/mT
Mixed Oats/Barley** $1.57/mT
Soybeans* $1.63/mT
Wheat* $0.93/mT
*Includes the GFP Premium
**GFP is not applicable to this commodity