Wheat Marketing with GFO
Redefined Roles Offer New Opportunities
WITH THE CREATION of Grain Farmers of Ontario, the Wheat Marketing Department has redefined its roles and responsibilities. Todd Austin has recently been hired as the Marketing Manager and new challenges will be faced incorporating corn and soybean market information into the services offered to producers.
Among all this change is a great opportunity for a fresh start. Programs offered through the department are designed to appeal to all grain farmers, especially those who have not marketed wheat with the Ontario Wheat Board in the past. The dual marketing system has proven to be a great success for Ontario wheat producers and has led to increased acreage and profitability in Ontario. While some producers are finding success direct marketing their wheat crops, others have found value in using board programs, while many use a combination of both. Indeed, the success of the dual market system is the multitude of marketing options that are available to the producer.
Moving forward, the marketing department of GFO has a clear mandate that wheat marketing is still a priority. This mandate is echoed by the strong endorsement of past board members and delegates that GFO continue to be a significant broker of wheat in the Ontario market. The knowledgeable marketing staff working on behalf of Ontario’s grain farmers are excited to make GFO a competitive option for wheat marketing and a market information leader in Ontario. When making marketing plans for your crop or just wanting to check the price, give the marketing department a call, check out the GFO website or talk to your local agent about what opportunities are available. Your new GFO wheat marketing department is looking forward to working with you.
Rod Crinklaw – Assistant Grain Merchandiser
Colleen Clark – Marketing Assistant
Seamus Hobson – Economist
Todd Austin – Manager of Marketing
The marketing department can be reached between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm at 1-800-265-0550.
The GFO website will include wheat pricing and market information, as well as the corn and soybean market intelligence that producers received through their heritage organizations but, in an improved format. •