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Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine is the flagship publication of Grain Farmers of Ontario and a source of information for our province’s grain farmers. 

Ontario’s 2012 top yields revealed


TOP YIELDING ONTARIO grain farmers were rewarded December 6 at a banquet in Ingersoll, Ontario. The event was the culmination of three contests: the Winter Wheat Yield Challenge, the Spring Wheat Yield Challenge, and the Soybean Yield Challenge. These annual competitions are popular and the results prove how impressive and productive these Ontario grain farms are. 


•    First Place winning $1500: Ray VanDerMolen, VanDerMolen Farms Inc., Jarvis: 144.41 bu/ac with Pioneer Hi-Bred 25R40
•    Second Place winning $750: James Soetemans, Jilaman Farms Ltd., Watford: 134.02 bu/ac with Pioneer Hi-Bred 25R40
•    Third Place winning $500: Raymond P. Demers, Dover Centre: 127.52 bu/ac with Hyland Seeds Branson

•    First Place winning $1500: Del Cressman, Hasta Farms Ltd., Listowel: 112.87 bu/ac with C&M Seeds Wilkin
•    Second Place winning $750: Mike and Sonya Arent, Arecress Enterprises, Listowel: 95.46 bu/ac with C&M Seeds Wilkin
•    Third Place winning $500: Bill and Darlene Nater, Mitchell: 88.89 bu/ac with C&M Seeds Sable

As an added bonus for the spring wheat competition, C & M Seeds offered $100 to any competitor who topped 100 bushels. Del Cressman received this award for his impressive 112.87 bu/ac spring wheat yield.

soybean yield challenge
The Soybean Yield Challenge is separated into two divisions: an IP division and a non-IP division. Within each division, entrants were separated into three zones based on crop heat units.

Zone OO and O

Non-IP Division
•    1st Place: Keith Reeds, Lindsay: 77.75 bu/ac with DEKALB 26-10RY
•    2nd Place: Ronald Rody, Moorefield: 67.74 bu/ac with DEKALB 27-60RY
IP Division
•    1st Place: Raube Beuerman, Dublin: 77.93 bu/ac with SeCan OAC Wallace
•    2nd Place: Don Rickard, Ceresmore Farms Ltd., Bowmanville: 75.25 bu/ac with SeCan OAC Wallace

Zone I

Non-IP Division
•    1st Place: Justin Dorland, Dorland Farms, Brighton: 74.35 bu/ac with Maizex Seeds RR2 Titanium
•    2nd Place: Martin Mesman, Winchester: 73.15 bu/ac with Maizex Seeds RR2 Titanium
IP Division
•    1st Place: Robert Vanhie, Ailsa Craig: 60.08 bu/ac with Hyland Seeds Colby

Zone II and III

Non-IP Division
•    1st Place: Don and Jean Giffin, Blenheim: 83.87 bu/ac with Pioneer Hi-Bred 93Y05
•    2nd Place: Mark Delanghe, Wallaceburg: 80.29 bu/ac with Pioneer Hi-Bred 93Y05
IP Division
•    1st Place: Ron Verbeek, Muirkirk: 72.58 bu/ac with SeCan OAC Kent
•    2nd Place: Jeff  Struyf, Thedford: 68.99 bu/ac with SeCan OAC Kent

The two Grand Prize winners: Don and Jean Giffin and Raube Beuerman, each receive a trip for two to the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky! Winners in each division and each zone went home with a cash prize of $10 x their yield in bushels and all winners and runners-up receive admission to Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show and a local farm show of their choice. •

Thank you to all our generous sponsors for making the 2012 Yield Challenges possible:

Spring Wheat Yield Challenge Sponsors:

Platinum: Bayer CropScience
Gold: C&M Seeds

Winter Wheat Yield Challenge Sponsors:

Platinum: Bayer CropScience
Gold: C&M Seeds, Hyland Seeds

Soybean Yield Challenge Sponsors:
IP Division: Dupont
Non-IP Division: Monsanto Genuity
Gold: Becker Underwood, Country Farm Seeds, Dekalb, Hyland Seeds, Maizex, Mycogen Seeds, Pioneer, NK Brand
Silver: SeCan


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