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Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine is the flagship publication of Grain Farmers of Ontario and a source of information for our province’s grain farmers. 

In the news


New IntakeTM Adjuvant for Liquid AchieveTM
Dow AgroSciences Canada has announced that Intake™ Adjuvant is the new surfactant for use with Liquid Achieve herbicide for reliable grass weed control in wheat and barley.
Intake is an adjuvant blend that enables greater than 95% wild oat control rating for Liquid Achieve. It also helps ensure herbicide efficacy, crop safety, and tank mix ability. The change in surfactants from Turbocharge® to Intake Adjuvant also provides a more secure supply and comes after thorough performance and crop safety testing.   


“Intake Adjuvant is proven technology that has been widely used in other countries,” says Dustin Leskosky, Dow AgroSciences product manager. “Liquid Achieve is a well-known and trusted herbicide — wheat and barley growers won’t find a better value grassy weed herbicide than Liquid Achieve with new Intake adjuvant.” For more information visit

BASF receives Eastern Canada registration for ERAGON® LQ
Growers in Eastern Canada now have a new and improved weed management solution for pre-plant and pre-harvest use. BASF announced today that it has received registration from the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) for ERAGON® LQ herbicide for the 2015 season.

ERAGON LQ delivers the fast, complete weed control of ERAGON in a new convenient liquid formulation for faster fill-up times and improved tank clean-out. ERAGON LQ is a unique Group 14 chemistry that uses the active ingredient KIXOR® to help growers improve their glyphosate burndown in the spring and improve their harvest in the fall. It provides improved control of tough weeds like lamb’s-quarters and Canada fleabane, including Group 2-, triazine- and glyphosate-resistant weed biotypes.

“We know growers prefer liquid formulations and ERAGON LQ is another example of BASF’s commitment to providing growers with the solutions they need to produce the best crop possible,” said Sean Chiki, brand manager for corn and soybean herbicides at BASF Canada. “ERAGON LQ has also received registration for pre-harvest weed management applications in cereals. Aside from pre-plant applications, this new use pattern gives growers another application window to manage tough to control weeds, combine cereals more efficiently, and control perennials for cleaner fields in the spring.”

For more information about ERAGON LQ visit

New John Deere models
Due to the growing popularity of its 6R Series tractors to handle many farm, ranch, and commercial chores and right-of-way maintenance, John Deere has introduced three small-frame 6R models for 2015 — the 6110R, 6120R, and 6130R. The new small-frame 6R tractors are designed with many of the hydraulic, control, and comfort features of the larger 6R Tractors, but offer the maneuverability and compactness many customers want to more easily handle a wide variety of chores.

The cab environment and control features have also been updated in the small-frame 6Rs, giving them more commonality with the larger 7R, 8R and 9R Series tractors. The small-frame 6Rs are equipped with popular IVT transmissions and come with the CommandARM™ and Generation 4 CommandCenter™ Display. These tractors also have Auto Trac capabilities. To get the work done, the small-frame 6Rs can be matched with John Deere loaders, other attachments, and implements to create dependable, high performance, fully integrated machines.

To learn more about the new small-frame 6R Tractors, see your local John Deere dealer or visit 


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