On display

FROM THE LATEST machinery, to new seed varieties, to farm data management — Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show was a showcase of new technology in September.
One of the most anticipated new technologies is the Enlist™ weed control system which is available for corn growers to use in 2018. Enlist Duo™ herbicide, which contains a combination of glyphosate and new 2,4-D choline, is used in conjunction with Enlist corn hybrids to offer a new option for farmers struggling to combat resistant and hard-to-control broadleaf and grass weed species.

BASF released a new herbicide for residual control of annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds, including resistant pigweed species. Zidua™SC is a Group 15 herbicide that contains the active ingredient pyroxasulfone. It has been registered for use on corn and herbicide tolerant soybeans for the 2018 growing season. Zidua SC is a stand-alone product but it can also be tank-mixed with glyphosate, Eragon®LQ, Marksman® or Engenia™ in Eastern Canada.
Several equipment demonstrations were also provided for farmers, including a sprayer clinic featuring a continuous rinse system, a tillage demonstration featuring cultivators, and even new pickup truck test drive opportunities. Monsanto’s Climate FieldView™ was also on display with an in-cab view of the digital tool during a field planting demonstration. Climate FieldView allows farmers to combine information from multiple sources into one data management system. The maps it generates can help you make crop input and other field management decisions. It is cross-compatible with most major equipment manufacturers.

Grain Farmers of Ontario was also at the farm show to meet with farmer-members and talk to them about what the organization is doing and hear their concerns. Staff was also pleased to welcome Lloyd Longfield, MP for Guelph, to our booth and the show. •