Gifting a legacy INVESTING IN RIDGETOWN CAMPUS February 2023 - TAR SPOT, A fungal disease found in corn, was first discovered in the U.S. in 2015. Today, it has spread across the U.S. and in 20 Ontario counties west of Toronto. In less than a…
Tar spot in Ontario HERE TO STAY August 2022 - TWO STRAINS OF tar spot — Mexican and Caribbean — are here to stay in Ontario, and growers need to take active steps to achieve good control of this corn disease this summer and in…
Tar spot AGRONOMIC INFORMATION FROM ONTARIO'S CROP SPECIALISTS November 2021 - A NETWORK OF Ontario crop specialists and U.S. extension specialists monitored the real-time movement of tar spot in 2021. In September, the disease spread significantly east and north from the original infections confirmed in southwestern…
GrainTALK for October 2021 AN UPDATE ON GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO NEWS AND EVENTS November 2021 - FARMER-MEMBER SURVEY Grain Farmers of Ontario is conducting a farmer-member survey. Your confidential feedback will help our planning and make our organization more responsive to your needs. All farmer-members were mailed a copy of the…
Tar spot HOW TO MANAGE THE NEW DISEASE THREAT December 2020 - THE INEVITABLE HAS happened with tar spot — the disease has now been confirmed in Ontario. Researchers and agronomists have been keeping a close eye out for signs of tar spot ever since it was…
Tar spot prevention TIPS FROM GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO’S AGRONOMY TEAM August 2022 - Original article: Tar spot in Ontario MANY ACROSS THE province have heard about tar spot – southwestern Ontario and the Greater Toronto area have seen pressure. The disease was first detected in 2020; however, in…
Charting the path forward FROM THE CEO'S DESK December 2024 - GRAIN FARMERS OF ONTARIO LAST UPDATED ITS STRATEGIC PLAN IN 2020. As I reflect on the past four years, it has been a period of tremendous change and upheaval but also a time of growth…