GrainTALK for November 2020

A Q&A with Grain Farmers of Ontario chair, Markus Haerle.
At the AGM, there were a number of issues discussed around federal policy and regulations, such as the Clean Fuels Standard and the problems with the current BRM structure. How are we moving the needle on those issues?
We have been incredibly focused on working with government to resolve these issues for our farmer-members and are continuing to seek out and hold meetings with MPs and MPPs; we continue to work with Premier Doug Ford, who continues to be our advocate on BRM funding and reform, as well as other issues; we are engaging our farmer-members more than ever to give them a direct voice to government on these issues and we know from the influencers we work with on both federal and provincial levels that hearing from individuals is critical.
We have invested in data and research that we provide governments to ensure they are making new decisions based on facts and scientific data. We are committed to constant vigilance when it comes to holding our governments accountable to the needs of our farmer-members, and to being an active partner on policy discussions and decisions that impact us. •
Do you have a question for our chair? Email
A soybean moisture shrink calculator is available at The Excel-based tool calculates the amount of moisture shrink in soybeans and was developed in response to farmers having difficulty separating out and determining the cost of drying on their invoices. The calculator uses the Canadian Grain Commission methodology for calculating moisture shrink.
Dealers and elevators can use a variety of methods to calculate shrink (both moisture shrink and non-moisture shrink); the calculator attempts to help farmers determine what part of the deductions on their bills is related to moisture shrink.
This tool is not meant to be a substitute for seeking information from the purchaser before you deliver your soybeans. Farmers should make sure they understand how the purchaser calculates the moisture shrink and the cost of drying. •
Fertilizer Canada was a key signatory in the launch of the Global 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Council.
The North American fertilizer industry, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy, the Global Nutrient Stewardship Certification Council (NSCC). The NSCC will serve as the international governing body of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification program to create consistency amongst geographies, maintain program rigour, and ensure core auditable requirements are represented in each geographies’ standards.
4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®) is an internationally recognized framework that can be tailored to fit specific crop types, climates and soils. Over the last decade, Fertilizer Canada has implemented the 4Rs through both the 4R Certification and 4R Designation Programs. •
Premises identification is the first step in establishing a traceability system that can lead to business advantages, including improved operational efficiencies and increased market access. With the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR), the government can notify you about incidents that may impact you and your operation quickly, minimizing the effect on your operation.
The PPR is a record of individual parcels of land associated with agri-food activities. Agricorp operates the registry on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).
The integrity of the PPR depends on accurate and current premises information. Registrants are encouraged to confirm or update their premises information annually. Confirming your premises information at least every two years also keeps your premises ID active and eligible for government programs, such as Ontario’s Risk Management Program. To update your information or register a new premises, visit or call Agricorp at 1-888-247-4999. •
by Philip Shaw
On September 11, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) lowered corn production by 378 million bushels down to 14.9 billion bushels. U.S. national corn yield dropped 3.3 bushels per acres down to 178.5 bushels per acre. USDA pegged soybean production at 4.313 billion bushels, which was lower by 112 million bushels and 1.4 bushels per acre less than reported in the August 12 report. U.S. soybean yield was reduced to 51.9 bushels per acre. Grain prices have surged since August based on dry weather going into September and surging demand from China. In Ontario, early corn harvest has partly been a response to end users posting premiums into the $5.50 range for Ontario corn. The Canadian dollar continues to flutter in the 74/75 cent U.S. range. •
Grain Farmers of Ontario will host all 2021 January District Grain Committee Meetings online. The Board of Directors has approved this change in meeting format to ensure the health and safety of all farmer-members and staff as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
The date of your district meeting has been confirmed and is noted below. Please go to to register to receive the link to your meeting.
The Annual District Meetings are called to elect voting delegates for the coming year. Directors will be elected in odd-numbered districts to serve a two-year term.
Updates on our organization and grain industry issues are also provided at these meetings.
Farmer-members interested in putting their name forward as a delegate are encouraged to contact their district director ahead of their local meeting.
Information is subject to change. Check for updated information. •